Saturday, December 1, 2012

Strawberries is Natural Sunscreen

Strawberries is sweet form fruit and beautiful, beside rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and B, the research shows that strawberries potentially protective the skin from the sun.

Researchers from Spain and Italy found that skin cells are given extracts of strawberries will be protected from the damage of UV A. The protective effect comes from anthocyanin which gives red color to the small fruit that sour taste. Previous research has also linked the anthocyanin with a reduced risk of diabetes.

"The content of anthocyanin has an important inflammatory effects, antioxidant and antitumor. Besides the content it also has the ability to modulate process of enzyme," said of Sara Tulipani of the University of Barcelona.

Even if the researchers have not found a direct link between anthocyanin with protection against ultraviolet rays. According to Tulipani, their research basically just do the layers of the dermis and epidermis of human skin, namely on culture of skin cells .

While awaiting the results of the next study, don't hesitate to eat strawberries. some research suggests that this fruit beneficial for health and beauty.

Now it's your turn to try it :)

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