Friday, December 14, 2012

Grapes, Skin Protector from UV Rays

Maybe many of us do not know deeply the benefits of grapes. Besides the sweet taste, the fruit is is known contain many compounds as polyphenols and resveratol an active role in many metabolism.

But recently researchers at the University of Barcelona and the CSIC (Spanish National Research Council) found another of the benefits of grapes. They claim, certain compounds are present in grapes may protect skin of radiation exposure of UV rays of dangerous  sun.

The research found that substances contained in grapes can reduce the level of cell damage to the skin caused by radiation from the sun that can cause skin cancer. As known that exposed UV rays to the skin activates the reactive oxygen speciesor (ROS) which cause the oxidation of macromolecules on DNA and lipids. So, finally will activate the reaction of certain enzymes that cause the death cell .

The researchers observed that certain polyphenolic substances whom extracted from grapes can inhibit the formation of ROS epidermal cells that have been exposure to long-wave (UVA) and medium wave (UVB). Based on these research, the researchers concluded that the polyphenolic compounds could help protect the skin from the sun's ultraviolet rays.

According to researchers, some skin care cosmetic products already use wine as the base material of manufacture, but they do not fully understand the process. The researchers hope these findings will continue to be developed so the future benefits of of grapes could be utilized.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Healthy Foods Make Us More Happy

Increase the feeling of happiness in your life with a healthy eating routine such as fresh fruits and vegetables. To get these benefits, the recommended amount is 80 grams of fruit and vegetables every day.

"The power of fruit and vegetables for the body is staggering. During this time the diet is less attention to their effect on comfort and mental welfare ," said of Mrs Sarah Stewart-Brown, a professor at the University of Warwick, who conducted this research.

The doctors nutrition has been advocated that we should consume at least five servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Resource consumption of fiber is associated with digestive health to reduce the risk of diabetes.

In research conducted by Stewart-Brown was used data from a survey of 80,000 people in the United Kingdom between 2007 and 2010. The researchers assessed the mental welfare of of the participants by looking at the levels of happiness, anxiety, and how they assess their own health.

The results found the relationship between mental health and the consumption of seven servings of fruits and vegetables every day. "The results of this research are consistent with the needs of the high consumption of fruits and vegetables with mental health," written by researcher

Prevent a Stroke, Be diligent to Eat Fish

Stroke has become deadly disease which is also common in young people. We can prevent it through healthy diet, such as eating fish, especially those high in fat, these tips you can do in a few times a week.

Analysis results of 38 research found a strong link between fish consumption and decreased risk of stroke or mini-stroke (transient ischemic attack). The research involved 800,000 people in 15 countries.

Peoples who eat 2-4 servings of fish per week the risk of stroke or mini-stroke down up to 6 percent. While who ate fish up to 5 times a week have benefited a reduced risk stroke up 12 percent.

However, the consumption of fish oil supplements do not provide the same benefits as eating fish.

Other research has also shown that consumption of fish lower the risk of coronary heart disease.

Fish known to nourish the blood vessels
because of rich in nutrition, namely vitamins and essential amino acids. In addition, people who often eat fish usually eat less of red meat.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Young be Happy, More Healthier when Adults

Teens who have a positive outlook tend to live healthier as adults than teens who are not happy. This conclusion is generated based on a survey of more than 10.000 teens in America.

Researchers from Northwestern University analyzed the data collected from thousands of teens that began in 1994. The teens answered questions about physical and emotional health in the years 1994, 1995, and 2001. Questions focused on teens understanding for happiness, enjoyment of life, hope for the future, self-esteem and social acceptance.

Then the results were compared with the answers in 1994 with 2001 to determine whether the positive thoughts can be a way of predicting general health in adulthood.

The result are,  teens who feel happy have fewer problem behaviors, such as smoking, alcoholism, or eating unhealthy foods. Generally a happy teens has very good physical health in 2001.

"good Welfare during teens are significantly associated with their health  when they grow up," said of researcher Emma K. Adam. (M05-11)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Danger of Protein Excess

Many people who crave toned and muscular body consumes a lot of protein. In fact, if you have a goal of building muscle mass, you just do weight training and increase your calorie intake to about 500 calories. These extra calories should not come of all proteins.

About 60 percent of weight training using fuel from fat, and about 35 percent from carbohydrates, and 5 percent from protein. Thus according to the Essentials of Exercise Physiology.

Consuming more than 30 percent of protein a day can lead to the formation of ketones, and makes the kidneys work harder, throw it out of the body. This is in addition to burden the kidneys also can interfere with the heart due to dehydration, bone loss of calcium, and even muscle mass can be lost.

Essential Protein is for muscle building, skin, and hair, synthesize hormones and blood clotting, but the balanced diet is the best . Many athletes actually implement a balanced diet by eating 25 percent fat and 55 percent of carbohydrates and 20 percent protein.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The way to Whiten Black Armpit

 Whitening Black Armpit  and way to redden the lips is to be the most frequently searched, because probably a lot of people who are troubled with black armpit and lips, It is often overlooked and also many people who still don't understand how to whiten your armpits or way to redden lips. Actually this is a very easy and very simple to be solved, this is different case with how to cure the acne, this problem is a little tricky. because the skin is very sensitive so be extra careful in her treatment, for a guide you can learn in detail in our previous post.

And for those of you who want to whiten armpit skin with the traditional way, you can follow the tips whiten of black armpits that we have provided below :

  1. All you need is a bit of lime and whiting. Mix the whiting with lemon juice until well blended in a bowl or plate. After that, apply the mixture on your armpits area. Leave approximately 15 minutes. We recommend that you use after a shower and use regularly for 1 week. or you can also follow tips below.
  2. Take papaya immature and grated until smooth. Put grated papaya on your armpits after every shower and let a few seconds, then rinse with clean water. The nature and content of substances in papaya is a unique natural bleach.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Some Tips to Fight the Dry Skin

Even though we live in warm tropical countries, but in reality most people active in the cold room by the air conditioning. This condition can cause dry skin, chapped, and itchy. As a workaround, see the tips from the American Academy of Dermatology for the skin to retain it moisture.

  1. Cold water bath
    Warm water bath can indeed create a relaxed, but warm water makes the skin more easily dried. This is because the  natural oils of  skins protective lost by the warm water. Therefore get used to bath with cold water. If you want to bath with warm water, wash quickly.

  2. Choose the soap
    Skin should feel soft and supple after bathing. If your skin feels even dry or interested, maybe you need to replace the soap. If your skin is quite dry, use the soap were added by moisturizers. Sometimes it may take a few trials before finding the right the soap. Get used to using the soap in some areas such as the face, armpits, legs, or around the thighs.

  3. Use a moisturizer
    The most appropriate time to use a moisturizer is after a bath when the skin is still moist so the humectant is easily absorbed and locked. Moisture in the form of cream is best for dry skin. If possible choose products whom free  of perfume. For the face, use a moisturizer that contained by vitamin C and E.

  4. Adequate water consumption
    Although not directly related, but the consumption of water can accelerate the metabolism and remove toxins so the body stay healthy and fit.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Strawberries is Natural Sunscreen

Strawberries is sweet form fruit and beautiful, beside rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins A, C, and B, the research shows that strawberries potentially protective the skin from the sun.

Researchers from Spain and Italy found that skin cells are given extracts of strawberries will be protected from the damage of UV A. The protective effect comes from anthocyanin which gives red color to the small fruit that sour taste. Previous research has also linked the anthocyanin with a reduced risk of diabetes.

"The content of anthocyanin has an important inflammatory effects, antioxidant and antitumor. Besides the content it also has the ability to modulate process of enzyme," said of Sara Tulipani of the University of Barcelona.

Even if the researchers have not found a direct link between anthocyanin with protection against ultraviolet rays. According to Tulipani, their research basically just do the layers of the dermis and epidermis of human skin, namely on culture of skin cells .

While awaiting the results of the next study, don't hesitate to eat strawberries. some research suggests that this fruit beneficial for health and beauty.

Now it's your turn to try it :)

Healthy Snacks

You don't have much time but want to have a healthy snack ? Although busy, you can enjoy a delicious snack that helps you control the body's cholesterol levels, as follows :

  1. Skim milk and cocoa
    Research in Spain produce, volunteers who choose skim milk snack mixed with cocoa during one month decreased bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL) up to 14 percent, while the good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) rose 5 percent. That's because the content of polyphenol antioxidants in cocoa.

  2. Edamame
    Edamame contains soya protein. In many studies, soy protein proven to be useful to lower LDL cholesterol levels as much as 10 percent and total cholesterol up to 7 percent, if taken regularly. Steamed edamame without adding salt.

  3. Nuts
    Not only raise HDL cholesterol ratio, nuts also lower triglycerides, so good for heart health. So that was reported Archives of Internal Medicine. Eat a third of a cup of nuts every day.