Sunday, November 4, 2012

How the natural way to Increase Sperm Count ?

Little Sperm counts in the ejaculate can make a man difficult to have children. But some herbs can help men increase sperm count naturally.
Conditions sperm counts in the ejaculate is also called oligospermia or oligozoospermia. Oligospermia happen when male sperm count of less than 20 million / ml and this condition could be a major risk factor for infertility or impotence.

said : DR . Med. Dr. Calvin Tjong, SpOG, Specialist Doctors Obstetrics Gynecology in the Puri Indah hospital  in health consultation "In every 1 ml of semen there should be 20 million of sperm. Or minimal amount of of sperm for infertile men is 40 million of sperm which 75 percent to live, "

There are many factors that cause oligospermia, such as the use of certain drugs, hormonal changes, alcohol use, high temperatures in the genital area and severe fever.

Here are some herbs that can increase sperm count in oligospermia men  :
  1. Onion
    Onion are one of the important natural solution to treat oligospermia. Onion are a powerful aphrodisiac foods that can promote reproductive organs function better. Patients with oligospermia recommended to put onions in their diet daily menu to reduce the risk of infertility.

  2. Garlic
    Garlic is a natural medicine which is used for the treatment of oligospermia. It is an aphrodisiac that is recommended for repair and treatment of oligospermia.Onion are one of the important natural solution to treat oligospermia. Onion are a powerful aphrodisiac foods that can promote reproductive organs function better. Patients with oligospermia recommended to put onions in their diet daily menu to reduce the risk of infertility.
  3. Ladyfinger or Okra
    Ladyfinger or okra a natural remedy commonly used for the condition of oligospermia. Okra root extract is usually available in the market for the purposes of treatment. Root extract powder that mixed with a cup of milk can help in increasing fertility.
  4. The roots of asparagusHigh concentrations of zinc and iron in the roots of asparagus is one of the best medicine for oligospermia. Spermatogenic which is enriched with asparagus root extract helps in curing the impotence. Patients with oligospermia are often recommended consuming asparagus root extract twice a day for good results.

  5. Black currant
    Black currant is also a herbal medicine which is used for the treatment of oligospermia. After being washed in hot water, black currant is recommended to boiled with milk. Patients recommended to drink a cup of hot milk after eating the black currant.


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  2. Increase sperm count by having natural foods i.e fresh fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and pumpkin seeds, spinach, bananas and dry fruits in your diet.

  3. Your blog is really great! Your blog is great for anyone who wants to understand about Sperm Count more. I hope your blog write the more the better!

  4. to increase sperm count you can drink more mineral water ,

  5. Natural way to increase sperm count is best information for those men which are suffering from this problem, if we follow this herbs and use Herbal Low Sperm Count Supplements then we get fast result.
