Sunday, November 4, 2012

Drink up Green Tea At Breakfast

What drinks are always presented in the morning? Most would answer the tea or coffee. Although coffee is more popular as pep, but tea, particularly green tea, has a series of benefits that make it obligatory drink in the morning.

  1. Preventing the cancer
    Small-scale research showed breast cancer patients that given green tea extract for 6 months experienced improvements in a decrease in the markers spread of tumor . In addition, men with prostate cancer who often drink green tea have benefit namely decreased the levels of inflammatory .

  2. Heart Healthy
    Green tea contains high antioxidant useful to decrease blood pressure. Add lemon juice to get extra vitamin C which helps the body absorb the antioxidants.
  3. Vigorous
    The scientists found that the mice given the green tea extract had a higher resistance level of 24 percent.
  4. SlimmingCatechins, antioxidants in green tea proved scrape the belly fat.
  5. Overcoming the Allergies
    Researchers from Japan have found that EGCG component, antioxidants, and other in green tea, can improve the body's immune to response against allergen
  6. Improve the Memory
    Research in Kanda found that snails were given water mixed with epicatekin, type of antioxidant in chocolate and green tea, increased memory. The good news,  increase the memory it will also experienced by people who regularly drink green tea.

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