Certainly a positive way to faced with stress better than angry or spend money for unnecessary shopping. Relaxing at least 30 minutes, writing, meditation, yoga, or massage, may be tips to relieve the stress. Healthy food choices can also be included in the list of options. For example, a variety of foods such as.
- Banana
Rich in vitamin B which is important for controlling stress hormones. - Asparagus
It folate content it will help balance the mood and inhibit the production of stress hormones. - Milk
Rich in antioxidants, vitamins B12 and B2, which can inhibit the activity of free radicals associated with stress. - Dark chocolate
Sources of flavonoids containing relaxation properties and improve mood. Regularly consumption of rather bitter chocolate , just a little, make levels of the cortisol stress hormone is always low. - Almond
consumption of almonds Regularly also helps prevent the stress due to the content of magnesium, zinc, and other vitamins. - Fish
Omega-3 fatty acids are found in salmon, tuna, bloating, and others are excellent at reducing the production of adrenaline and cortisol that effectively prevent the stress. In contrast, consumption of fish increases serotonin that we feel more happy.