Friday, November 30, 2012

Criteria of Good Sperm

Asker :
Doctor, reading column doctor consultation about the characteristics of healthy sperm, I want to ask, are the kind of dilute and thick sperm can affect children born later. Earlier, I read in the columns of doctor that good  sperm is thick for 15 minutes. While dilute sperm can affect sperm swimming speed. I and my wife is currently trying to get the boys having previously had a daughter. as my knowledge, these types of sperm boys and girls have different characteristics of running speed  Thank you.
"Alex, 32, Jakarta, Indonesia"

Answering :
Once again, the term of sperm "thick" and "dilute" is not really known in the medical world. Apparently, the term comes from unprofessional advertising in the mass media.  normal sperm who ejaculated has a viscosity, which melts later. So please do not be there are sperm term "thick" and "dilute".

To determine whether or not normal sperm, fertile or not,
laboratory tests should be performed. Without laboratory tests, the condition can not be determined male fertility. But laboratory tests only once is not enough.

Regarding the sex of the baby planning, it's another. Planning of sex depends on the comparison between sperm cells that contain the chromosomes of men and women. Both types of these sperm cells is  different Biological, because it can be separated. There are several ways you can do to plan the sex of the baby, even though the result is uncertain.

A simple way is to set the time when sexual relations, manage who is first orgasm, to the use of certain chemicals. Furthermore, there are a more sophisticated way, namely separating the spermatozoa cell types with specific material then the inseminated into the uterus.

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