Wednesday, October 24, 2012

4 Causes of Heart Attack Frequently Ignored

Most of people assume the cause of a heart attack usually is because of the food and lack of sport. But did you know that there are other causes that are often forgotten? Preventing is better than cure, it would be much better if we know the cause of another heart attack early. Here are 4 things that can cause a heart attack. 

  1. The traffic

    The scientists found that people who got stuck in a traffic jam has a 3.2 times of risk more higher of heart attack. Therefore recommended to avoid traffic delays as much as possible. In addition, try to close the window if you are on the road or use a mask while riding a motorcycle to reduce exposure to exhaust pollution.

  2. Canned food

    The study that published in the journal PLoS ONE shows that the average canned food found a dangerous chemical compound, namely A (BPA). BPA itself is a compound that can cause cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heartbeat), it can even cause sudden death. It is recommended to limit consumption of canned food and prefer fresh food.

  3. Anti-bacterial soap

    The scientists found the content of triclosan in antibacterial soaps and toothpaste. Triclosan is known to have adverse effects for the health of the body, one of which increases the risk of heart disease.
  4. Anti-stick chemicals

    Anti-stick cooking tool is a favorite of mother at home . However, recent research suggests the discovery of content perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in an anti-sticky. This acid if into the body can increase the risk of heart disease. The research was published in September 2012 by the Archives of Internal Medicine.

    Cause there are many heart attacks. But above 4 things that are often ignored even rarely known to many people. For that please soon do the preventing of heart attacks as early as possible.

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