Saturday, October 20, 2012

Benefits of Mango

Besidesof  the sweet taste, mango benefits we can get when we eat it. This fruit is loaded with the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants so it's no wonder if the fruit is good for health besides also great for your skin.Besides of the sweet taste, many of mango benefits that we can get when we eat it.
This fruit is loaded with the minerals, vitamins and antioxidants so it's no wonder if this fruit besides of good for health  also great for your skin.

Mango fruit is one fruit that must exist in a salad. However, it is usually used is a do not ripe of mango with sweet and sour taste sensations. Well it turns out the benefits of mangoes is very diverse because of a do not ripe of mango  can be eaten. The fruit is also familiar with pregnant women, because of usually when her cravings , who want a do not ripe mango. So what are the useful life of mangoes to health and beauty?

At this opportunity, we will discuss the benefits of mango fruit for health and beauty. Please Consider the description below :

 Benefits of mango fruit for health and beauty :
  1.  Helps clearing the acneTo obtain the benefits of mangoes. you can do to make a mango mask, by grinding smooth mango then apply on face and acne prone skin, let dry and rinse with warm water until clean. This method is effective because the mango mask, your skin pores will be open so that the nutrients from the fruit will come in and kill bacteria that cause acne.
  2. Helps healthy teeth and gumsThe second Benefits of mango is because of vitamin C is high enough. Vitamin C can help to maintain healthy gums, teeth, and of course prevent the thrush. So, if you do not want toothache or gums you should regularly eat fruits that contain lots of vitamin C one of which you can get in the mango.
  3.  Fighting the cancer
    Antioxidant compounds, it is mostly found in fruits and one of it is mango fruit. Benefits of this mango is because  of the presence of vitamin C who can inhibit the free radicals of causing the cancer.
  4.  Increasing the libido
    This is because the amount of vitamin E that also stimulates the production of hormones and also health the reproductive.
    That's some of the benefits of mangoes for health and beauty that needs to be known to add the knowledge about the benefits of fruits.

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